Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Throwing, Jumping, and Flying


Tita Mama said...

Good morning, Annabelle! You are having a wonderful fun time flying that airplane. You can jump high and run fast. Wish I was there with you jumping and running! How are the ballet lessons progressing? Would love to see an entry about them. Love and Blessings, Mammaw.

Unknown said...

Hey Annabelle!! Fly me one of those planes--all the way out to Colorado.. Maybe you could do some of your amazing artwork on it so everyone that is outside when it goes by will look up and say, "ooh my goodness, have you ever seen such a beautiful plane?"

Khris said...

Can I come and play??? I will bring Landon with me and we will fly some airplanes.

Landon said...

Hi Aimee! I'm so happy to see that Annabelle and Max are doing so well and having such a great time. All of your pictures are so sweet and funney. We all really hope so, so, sooooo much that we can some and viset in the summer. Hope you and Jack are doing great.
Miss you