Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Annabelle in the mornings!

As we lay in bed waking up and Max nursing on and off, Annabelle was busy pretending. Some of the game was just in her head, only she was aware of it. Then she would start talking to us, like we were in her pretending game. "This is my baby," she would say about Max. "I think he needs to nurse me right now." "You sing this song, while I nurse him." Then she wanted me to start singing a song, that I had never heard of before and she would look at me and say, "ok, go ahead," as if I knew the song too. So this is the song she taught me:

"The girl and boy went out to save the power.
They shoot their guns and then layed them down.
They run and run and run to catch their momma.
The girl run and catch her momma
and the boy stayed with the dada."

I sung it while she pretended to nurse Max.

Then quick as lightening she changed the game. She starts pretending to knock on a door. "Ask, 'Who is it?'" I do. She says, "open the door." I pandamimed opening a door. She says, "I am Khristine and this is my baby, Landon." "Actually this is a doll (meaning Max) and Landon is my big kid." "He is nine." "Look Landon gave you a present." She is holding an invisible box. She says, "take off the wrapping paper." I pretend to open a box and pull out a present. I say, "what is it?" "Landon will tell you." She means the imaginary big kid sitting beside her on the bed.

Then it all changed again. "Do you want to see how high I can jump?"

This all happened in a few minutes. Our day continues, with her wanting to get out a leftover burrito by herself for breakfast. This means opening the fridge door, pulling over a chair. Finding the burrito, then pulling the chair back to the table. Now she sits and eats as I type. "My belly is full." "I am going to wrap my burrito up." "Oh, Momma, it is falling a apart." "I need a new luma toil." (Aluminum foil)

I love my 3 year old girl. She is charming and silly, noisy and loud, creative and oh so busy!


Unknown said...

We love that charming girl and her mom too. You know, Landon is still doing that brainstorming/rambling beautiful noise as well. Daily...... It's what all amazing children do!
miss you all,

Khris said...

Landon has a story for Annabelle now: "Knock knock knock. Who's there? Said Khristine. It's Landon and Annabelle, said a voice from the door. The door opened and Annabelle and Landon walked in. We're two doggies here to play with you. And we played doggie until bedtime." The end.
Hope you like the story. Hope to see you soon :)