Thursday, December 11, 2008

Max's Fall!

It has been a long time since I have posted. I have been very busy, but wanted to get back into posting. So much has happened this fall for Max. He is walking and pretending, painting and dancing. He signs a little and has a few words: mostly "du-du," (duck), "da-da," (sometimes it means Jack), "da!" which means yes, also "na-na," can mean Annabelle, another, or nurse. When he says no, he moves his hand from side to side and shakes his head no. He has just started say, "Mama," my favorite thing he says. For a boy with few actual words, he is really communicating.

He dances all the time, sometimes even creating his own music, with a few, "da, da, ta-das." He loves to push things around, like chairs and grocery carts, (that is how he learned to walk, by pushing the furniture all over the house!) He loves to do the yoga pose, "downward dog," it is one of the things he does when he is especially happy. He laughs a lot and it is one of the best sounds.

When we go on walks, sometimes we take his push car. He pushes the car up the sidewalk, stopping every now and then to carefully place a leaf or rock on his car.

He loves to paint and draw. He builds with blocks, by placing one block on the floor, then placing more all around it, all in a single layer. He will work for awhile on his "builidng." He has a lot of focus for such a little guy.

I find him so yummy, my heart swells and I am happy to be spending my days with this special boy, my Maxie!

1 comment:

Frank Baker said...

What great pictures. Be sure Christmas morning is documented so we can see all the excitement.

Hang in there Max.