Monday, December 15, 2008

Breakfast with Santa

So Saturday morning we went to have breakfast with Santa. Max sat on his lap just long enough to get a photo, but it was Annabelle's conversation with Santa that I especially wanted to remember.

Annabelle is sitting on Santa's lap and he says, "So do your parents like to read to you?"

Annabelle laughs, "No!" She acts like this is the craziest thing ever.

I am a little horrified to have Santa think we don't read to our children. but I say nothing.

Later back at our table, I ask Annabelle, "Why did you say your parents don't like to read to you?"

And she laughed again and says, "Pants can't read!"

She thought Santa said pants. When I explained it to her we all had a big laugh!

1 comment:

Lori said...

lolol - you can tell in the picture she is having quite the chuckle about it! i'm sure i would have blurted, "yes we do!!!" :^D)