Wow, I can not believe how much time has flown by. Life with two growing kids has kept me busy. We have been spending time with other homeschooling families, plus continuing to work on our house. Jack still works two jobs, plus all he does to support me in this huge job of parenting! (Happy Father's Day, Honey, we are so lucky to have you!)
Max is now 9 months and is crawling all over the house. Plus he makes the sweetes sounds: dadadada, do do do (with long o sounds), raspberries and can even make a kiss sound. Today at the pool, he stood up ( by himself) for a record of 5 seconds before plopping down into the water. He ws so happy and laughing!
Annabelle turned 4 last Thursday. She is 4! We celebrated on her birthday and had a party on Sunday. Her dad and I built a swingset for her and she swings alomst everyday. She had such a great party, surrounded by all the people who really care for her, kids and adults alike.
Both of our kids love to be outside. Max loves to look at birds and will point up when he hears a bird call. We will say, "where's the bird?" And he will look up and point at a bird. When we are inside, he loves to stand at the widow and squeal in delight. If his sisiter or dad is outside and we are in, he is a very sad little guy, while I am desparetely trying to find my shoes so I can take him out too!
Annabelle loves to play in her sandbox, play in the wading pool, and take walks to look at geese and ducks at the pond across the street. She also loves to work with us outside, moving mulch for her new swingset, raking leaves, and picking flowers for vases.
Well, off to be with my 4 year old girl!